Growing in the faith

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Growing in the faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Growing in the faith.

Man in darkness looking out at light

I Found Christ. Then Came the Darkest Season of My Life

It was like a scene in a movie. Picture the camera set across the street from a cafe, where two people walk out. They face each other briefly, then each turn back and start walking in the opposite direction. I remember the day vividly from that perspective, even though I was one of the two people walking away from each other.
A woman is waiting for the bus

The Secret to a Beautiful and Not Bitter Wait

We know waiting is a part of life, but it doesn’t stop us from getting a bit cross when things don’t happen soon enough. Why can’t God just snap His fingers and make the thing happen for us?
Woman in free-fall position with broken glass underneath.

Trusting God When Things Are Falling Apart

There was a challenging season of my life when I felt like everything was not going well. I was led on by someone whom I thought was a potential life partner, and the cultural pressures to get married made me anxious. On top of that, my PhD proposals had been rejected multiple times.
A man is releasing the rope and jumping into the water

We Should Trust God—But for What?

"You cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone."  So too with God. Yet I have often trusted Him for the wrong thing.
Silhouette of man looking up with courage overlaid with prison.

Learning Courage in the Face of Suffering

This ANZAC Day, I reflect on a story that’s woven into my own family’s history. Like all families, we too carry history of personal stories and experiences of those harrowing times.
A man is scrolling the phone at bed time

Two Battles I Face Every Day: Sleeping and Staying Awake

I face two battles every day of my life: the battle to sleep and the battle to stay awake.
Image of a woman opening a journal at a cafe

2 Small Things I Do When I Struggle to be Faithful

If you love to-do lists, you’d enjoy creating goals for the day and ticking off every task you accomplish. When it comes to our spiritual walk, however, it's tricky to measure progress with a to-do app or list.
A man is waiting something beside the road

Waiting Well When Nothing's Happening

I hate waiting. The suspense often leaves me confused. Am I supposed to do something while waiting, or just sit it out until something happens?
Image of lady basking under the sun contemplating with scenic background

How Do I Know If I'm Living a Successful Christian Life?

At the end of each day, I would imagine a giant scale in heaven with the numbers 1-10—1 being the lowest grade and 10, the highest. I would ask God how good I had been that day.