
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Humility. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Humility.


A pair of boxing glove

Beating Yourself Up? Try This Instead

“You’re not good enough.” “Why can’t you do better?” “You never do it right.” These are some of the things I have said to myself over the years.
Girl with a box over her head

Why Humility Isn't the Same as Putting Ourselves Down

My friend gazed at me through FaceTime, a kind smile on her face. “I just want to let you know that I just counted you saying the word ‘stupid’ six times when talking about yourself.”

3 Truths from Jesus on Brokenness and Loss

We are called to shine the light of Christ, but bringing light and hope has never been more difficult, as we face societal rage at institutions along with a deep sense of displacement and loss.
Two women chatting on a couch

Reaching Out to the Family Member Who’s Left the Faith

Do you think it’s easier to share Christ to someone in your own family or to a stranger? I’ve encountered many Christians who find it difficult to talk to their family and relatives about Jesus; some would say that it feels easier to hand out gospel tracts to strangers.
Image of a man sitting on the grass with the sun in the back

3 Ways Knowing God's Hope Shapes Our Daily Lives

A hope and a wish are two very different things. And yet, I catch myself using the two words interchangeably: “How I wish the pandemic would end”, “I hope the vaccines work so there won’t be another lockdown.”
A mum is busy with her own work and the children behind is making noise

The Day I Broke Down as a Parent—and Found Rest in Jesus

I was a complete mess. The husband was yet at another meeting, so I was stuck with two young children and a baby at witching hour. When my son accidentally tipped his entire bowl of rice all over the floor—I completely lost it.

It's Time to Submit to God

I remember scribbling on my Bible as a kid. I would highlight verses and commandments that I liked, those that I thought were softer on the ears and easier to obey.

Are You A Friend of The World?

A few years ago, I worked freelance for a horse-racing magazine. Everything went well at the start, but after a few assignments, I realized there was more to horse-racing than simply which horse finishes first (pardon my naivety).

Who is Truly Wise?

At school, children are often encouraged to participate in class by answering a myriad of questions posed by their teachers. It is a common sight to witness a few hands shoot up in the air (with some attempting to raise their hands even higher to catch the teacher’s attention).