
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Love. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Love.


The collage of the scene of Everything Everywhere All At Once

3 Moments We Relate to in Everything Everywhere All At Once

Everything Everywhere All At Once hit the screens more than a year ago, but it’s been making headlines everywhere all at once in the last few months, as the film began to sweep all the major awards, from the Golden Globes to most recently, the Oscars.
A girl about to go in the train

Love on the Way Home

Valentine’s Day can magnify our feelings of loneliness.  We think having a “significant other” in our lives is the ticket to easing the pangs of loneliness,  but that isn’t true. We can be dating and married, and still feel lonely. 
two cups of tea and search engine

Love is an Ocean of ...

Are you tired of kissing all the wrong frogs and putting yourself out there? Struggling with unresolved family conflict? Or, just looking to walk with a friend who's hurting? We all can't live without love--and yet, loving hurts! How can we keep on loving when it's tough? Let's explore these ideas together.
Collage of man and woman sit on the mountain

Yes . . . I’m single

Instead of filling the empty void with yet another 11.11 online deal purchase, binging on romcoms, or sighing despondently over the non-existence of your “significant other”, why not indulge in our range of handpicked articles selected just for you.
A couple lying on the grass with a shadow of a tree over them

3 Helpful Practices We Do as Newlyweds

It has been nine months since my husband and I exchanged our wedding vows, and every time I look at my husband, my heart grows warm with gratitude. Every day I am amazed at how good God is to have brought him into my life. Some people would probably dismiss this as a “honeymoon” phase, especially those who see marriage as a scary commitment, rife with burden and trouble.
image with flowers and text on it

For the Love of Mums

Whichever point of view you identify with, may these stories cause you to marvel at God's goodness in His provision and encourage you to appreciate your mothers every day—because Mother's Day is everyday.
A boy is blowing a lots of balloon

Joy on the Rise

Happiness is . . . a tummyful of hotpot. An inside joke with friends. An unexpected bonus. The rush of a deadline met. It isn’t wrong to strive for happiness—but happiness is anchored on “outside” things we can’t control.
A guy sitting and thinking

How do I Know That God Really Loves Me?

How we perceive love does not just apply to our relationships with other people, it also affects our relationship with God. One of the profound tenets of faith is that God is a God of love.
Couple sitting on a wall together

Navigating My First Relationship (With Help From the Bible)

It’s not surprising if you feel that the Bible isn’t a book you can run to for advice on modern-day romance. Nevertheless, there are some Biblical principles that we can discerningly apply to our romantic pursuits.