
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Trust. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Trust.


A big giant is being indecisive on which button or way he should go for

5 Things to Remember When You're Faced With Decision Paralysis

There’s a queue behind me all the way out the door. People are frowning, shuffling on the spot, trying to peer around me. I know I’m keeping them waiting, but I just can’t decide. 
A man is waiting something beside the road

Waiting Well When Nothing's Happening

I hate waiting. The suspense often leaves me confused. Am I supposed to do something while waiting, or just sit it out until something happens?
A doggie is helping a woman to carry her bag

3 Faulty Thoughts that Make it Hard to Ask for Help

Perhaps you’re a pro when it comes to helping others. Yet there have been times when you have needed help, but you can’t bring yourself to ask because you don’t want to impose. 
A woman is reading bible with a doubtful face

What Reading a “Messed-Up” Book in the Bible Taught Me

Last summer, our campus fellowship organised a Bible quiz based on the book of Judges. I started to read it so I could learn the details for the trivia. Soon I was telling myself it was for good reason that this book wasn’t “popular”, as it seems quite messed up.
A woman sadly package her stuff into a box in office

How God Helped Me Transition Out of My Ideal Job

Five years ago, God helped me secure a new job within three weeks of being told of my redeployment. By God's grace, I'm still in that same job today. But the transition to the new job wasn't easy.
A man is standing on the rock formation

4 Myths About Being Chosen by God

When I first became a follower of Christ, my life completely changed. I felt I was finally where I was meant to be, that God had chosen me and was helping me grow spiritually. But when things started going downhill, I only had this thought: I surrendered my life to God! Why is it such a horrible mess now?

Raya and the Last Dragon: It Matters Who You Trust

I remember stepping out of the cinema with a warm and fuzzy feeling, in full agreement with the show’s themes of forgiveness, grace, and even teamwork (how Raya was eventually able to carry out her mission with the help of a group of companions, in contrast to the beginning when she was ploughing on as a lone wolf). However, as I thought some more about the film’s core message—trusting others will make this world a better place—I wondered if it was a tad too simplistic.

Among Us: 3 Insights for Our Walk with God

In my recent chats with my friends, new phrases like “That’s sus.” or “You imposter!” have infiltrated our conversations. These are usually met with a knowing grin and a tongue-in-cheek response like “Yeah! Sus!” before laughter ensues among us.

The Hopeful Side of Troubling Times

I was in a season of newness and growth, much like spring. And spring, for all its beauty, can be hard work. Digging up our unplowed ground and allowing God access to break up hardened areas in our hearts is painful.