Bible Reading

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Bible Reading. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Bible Reading.


A woman is holding a bible but looking bored

It's Time to Take the Guilt Out of Your Bible Reading

You start off the new year with a plan to follow–to finish the whole Bible in one year. But by the time the third week of January rolls around, you’re three days behind, equivalent to 12 to 15 chapters to catch up on. The doubt about actually doing this creeps in. The guilt of not doing what you said you’d do piles up. 
A man is sitting on a bench and reading bible

Why We Shouldn’t Skip the Hard Parts of the Bible

When it comes to reading the Bible, we’re often tempted to ignore the parts we find difficult to understand, and just hide in the comfort of our favourite verses again and again. 

The Christian Life Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

My church starts every year with a prayer and fasting event, which become an anticipated event for many of us. As we ask each other what we’re praying for, one request I often hear is deeper intimacy with God.
A man is slowly sipping his tea and ask God to wait for him to finish.

6 Signs We're Settling in Our Relationship with God

We often tell ourselves and each other not to “settle” when it comes to our relationships, career, or the things we want in life. But what about when it comes to our relationship with God? Is that where we’ve decided that where we’re at now is “good enough”? 
graphic image of someone sad

How to Beat That Languishing Feeling

When 2020 ticked over into 2021, we were hopeful that the new year would be a better one. And for awhile, it did look promising. But alas, the bubble’s popped and the recent news about the outbreak of new COVID strains, worsening cases, and heightened restrictions have made us feel like we’re right back at square one. What can we do to keep ourselves going? Here are some tips to help us beat that languishing feeling.
How God's Word Helps Me Fight My Mental Battles

How God's Word Helps Me Fight My Mental Battles

One of my New Year’s resolutions this year is to dig deeper into the Bible and have His Word stored in my heart (Psalm 119:11). I realise that whenever we come to God and lay our emotions before Him, we also need to let His Word search our hearts and allow His truth to renew us.
Creative Ways to Stay In The Word of God

Creative Ways to Stay in the Word

Whereas I used to begin my day reading the Bible, or at least have a time set aside for it, my daily agenda has been turned upside down, and with it, my Scripture reading. I’ve been brainstorming ways we can help each other stay accountable in reading the Bible—partaking of our Lifeline and breathing deeply of this Sustenance.
3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Reading the Bible

3 Questions to Ask When Reading the Bible | YMI

The King James has been swapped for a more contemporary Bible version, a commentary has been summoned along with a nice journal, with hopes of capturing every revelation or verse that speaks to us. But yet, the diary remains empty, and quiet time soon becomes a chore.  “Why even read the Bible?” we begin to wonder. 
Abstract woman praying

7 Things You Should Be Praying About (But Probably Aren’t)

So what have you been praying about lately? The prayers in the Bible reflect a wide diversity of topics. Here is a list of things we don't often think to pray for, but maybe we should!