
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Doubt. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Doubt.


A man walk under a flyover

When Doubt Led Me to Jesus

I was born in a non-Christian family that was devoutly following a different religion. When I was about to graduate from high school, questions started to form in my mind: “If I hadn't been born into this family, would I still have chosen to believe this?"

The Resurrection: Which Response is yours?

Easter: A historic and faith-shaping event way more than just “a day of celebration”. It is life-changing, and it demands a response from each of us. A response that will shape the way we live.

Easter in 5 Letters

What does the name of Jesus mean to you? Perhaps you know Him as the Son of God. Redeemer. Saviour. Prince of Peace. 
image of two bears in a conversation and trying to get honey

How to Walk With A Friend Who's Doubting Faith | YMI

It can be stressful when someone we love starts to doubt God. We worry that we won’t have the answers to convince them to stay in the faith, and fear what will happen if they were to leave God completely. But doubts are a perfectly normal part of a Christian’s journey. And God is more than capable of helping us figure out what faith means in the face of life’s difficult realities.

Is There Room for Doubt in Christianity?

Doubting is normal. Uncomfortable as it can be, wondering whether we really have “got it right” is as human as it is inevitable, especially when we’re swimming each day in a sea of different beliefs.

Where’s God?

Since ancient times, faithful Christians have spoken about what John of the Cross called the “dark night of the soul.”

For When You Start to Doubt God’s Calling

There are going to be so many times that you doubt yourself, your abilities, and your calling. You are going to question if you really are useful, and if you truly should have left home in the first place. As excited as you are to make Jesus known in Asia, you’ll end up letting fear take over many times.

5 Things to Do with Doubt Besides Ignore It

Have you ever questioned your faith? From theological ponderings—how exactly did God create the world? To emotional doubts—does God really love me? What do we do about these questions? Do we shove them aside, hoping if we deprive them of our attention, they’ll stop threatening the firm foundation we thought we had?

Why Is Waiting on God So Hard?

“How long do I have to wait?” I asked myself this question every day. I had recently stopped working my job in the US because of an unexpected delay in my immigration paperwork, and had no idea when it would be resolved.