
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Friendship. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Friendship.

Two women are holding hands and one is crying

Walking With a Friend Who’s Grieving a Divorce

Genevieve’s voice poured through the phone to me. She’s going through court proceedings following a horrific divorce.
A man hiding behind the newspaper

3 Reasons We Find it Hard to Help

In an ideal world, we can be found with our sleeves rolled up, giving the community hall a good lick of paint. Or a friend popping by with our favourite meals when we’re sick.    Yet, when it comes to carrying those actions out in our own lives, sometimes it’s not quite as easy as we imagine it to be . . .  
two friends sitting on the car

What Keeps Us From Going Deep in Friendships

When I first found out that my thirdborn was a girl, a real part of me was afraid. I should have been happier to welcome a girl. But the thing is. . . female friendships had left me limping.
a bunch of guys and girls are hanging out

Can Guys And Girls Really Just Be Friends?

In this modern day and age of mixed signals between members of the opposite sex, how can we cultivate healthy intergender friendship?
happy and sad memory in a woman's head

What I Have Learned About Friendships From Church

My friends once lamented to me how hard it was to form new friendships once we hit a certain age. Having spent a large part of my life moving towns and countries, I know too well the pain of having to start all over again and make new friends.
Two friends are going to the seperate way

Moving On From a Friendship Breakup

I’ve had my share of friendship “fades”, the kind of drifting apart that comes with growing up, moving away, getting married, having children. But I’ve never had a friendship “breakup”.
Two friends are whispering behind a guy

What My Assumptions Taught Me About Judging Others

Some months ago, I noticed that an acquaintance had become distant and cold towards me. When I asked about it, the person told me that it was because I had overreacted about something during our last exchange. I understood their perspective and apologised, but it became clear that a point of no return had been reached for them.

Becoming a Safe Place: How to be a Friend Who Helps

Most of us know how intimidating Christians can be, even for us Christians. As easily as “authentic” and “real” roll off the tongue, it’s another thing to actually engage on that level. Yet honest relationships are in the spirit of what God extends to us.

When Christianity Cost Me My Friendship

Back when we were in secondary school, I had invited Ava, my best friend of nine years, to church. Ava accepted Christ into her life and began attending weekly cell group meetings and services on a regular basis.