
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Evangelism. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Evangelism.

A man is trying to chat with a stanger

Have We Missed the Point of the Gospel?

Our assignment was: practicing actual street evangelism. If you’re as introverted as I was, just thinking about this would give you a case of the cold sweats.
Illustrations of bible characters

Which Biblical Evangelist Are You?

Have a read of the profiles of these three Biblical evangelists—Timothy, Archippus, Paul—and you might find one that you relate to the most! 
Two women chatting on a couch

Reaching Out to the Family Member Who’s Left the Faith

Do you think it’s easier to share Christ to someone in your own family or to a stranger? I’ve encountered many Christians who find it difficult to talk to their family and relatives about Jesus; some would say that it feels easier to hand out gospel tracts to strangers.
A gang of friends on the mountain top

2 Reasons Why Our Lives on Earth Matter Right Now

With teary eyes and never-let-me-go hugs, my good friend sniffed and said her farewell as she packed her bags. “Come find me when you visit! But even if not, I will see you in heaven—with Jesus!” Though that sounded morbid at the time, her words struck a chord within me.
A man trying to share the gospel to his friend

5 Truths For When You’re Afraid of Sharing the Gospel

Sharing our faith often feels scary. Whilst many of us would love to be the kind of Christian who introduces other people to Jesus, we can sometimes get stuck in a vicious cycle.
meerkats in the working environment

How to Come Out as a Christian at Work

It’s scary to be a Christian in today’s workplace. If anyone finds out that we’re a Christian, there’s a good chance they will automatically assume we are haters, bigots, and racists. We will have awkward conversations defending our views on religion. So it’s natural that we want to  stay quiet, never let anyone know that we’re a Christian, and avoid any talk about Jesus.
Abstract group walking towards praying hands

3 Prayers for Your Unbelieving Friend

We all can bring at least one person to mind—someone in our lives that wants nothing to do with this Jesus guy. They’ve heard of Him, but absolutely aren’t interested in welcoming Him into their life.
Abstract praying hands in front of people

3 Ways to Pray for Your Unbelieving Loved Ones

There is no prayer request that’s more urgent and close to our hearts than the desire to see our loved ones—whether they’re our family members, colleagues, or close friends—come to know the Lord. Sometimes, in praying for our loved ones, we might find it difficult to know what to pray or even find the right words to say. Here are three prayers that I hope will serve as a good starting point for you.           
Two girls enjoying an ice cream sundae

To the Friend I Tried to Evangelize

“Evangelize.” It even sounds like a dirty word, doesn’t it? An act of pushing one’s religion on another. . . a prideful way to tell someone they’ve got it totally wrong. That their worldview is wrong. That their beliefs are wrong. That they’ve got everything wrong, and I’ve got it right.