
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Discernment. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Discernment.


A collage of supernatural movie and violence show from the television.

Why I Watch Shows Containing Violence and Supernatural Themes

“You watch wrestling? Why?” It’s a question I’ve been asked a lot, in tones ranging from confused to disdainful. And I get it.
A laptop, television, tablet, and phone next to each other

4 Dos in Tackling "Un-Christian" Media

We are called to stand up for Jesus’s name, and we most certainly should. But if we choose to do so without knowing who or what we’re challenging, we’ve lost the battle before it even begins. So how do we as Christians deal when faced with un-Christian media? Here are four do’s to get us started.
Woman sitting on her couch staring at her phone

3 Things to Keep in Mind While Scrolling Through Social Media

As a design graduate, I found them artsy and inspiring to watch—and imagining having a taste of their “perfect” life helped me keep my mind off the restrictions we were facing because of COVID. So at first, I didn’t see anything wrong with watching these videos. However, when it became more of a habit, I began to see how these videos would influence my life in negative ways.
Student sitting using his laptop

Feeling Overwhelmed by Information?

At first his opinion sounded okay, especially given the fact that he was proclaimed an expert. But the more I listened, the more I felt a check in my spirit. Something didn’t sit quite right with me.

How to Stay Sane When Everyone Has an Opinion about Everything

“I don’t understand why you aren’t coming home. Where we live isn’t a hotspot anymore, and we’re taking all the right precautions, so you’ll be perfectly safe. Honestly, I’m worried about you.” “Are you really going to drive north this weekend? You know there’s a stay-at-home order in place, right?"

3 Tips for Those Overwhelmed by Brokenness

The room was loud and busy . . . packed with over 150 students gathered for bible school. I saw 150 individuals trying to fit in, desperate to be seen and heard. I saw brokenness, loneliness, and students not knowing what they’re worth.

How Can We Be "In the World, But Not of It"?

In regard to my choice of college, I was fully IN the world. I attended a large state university, where students that I lived with smoked various substances, drank under-age, partied, slept around, and neglected class work.
Person scrolling through twitter on their iPhone

Why Social Media Scares Me Sometimes

I’m an old soul. I’d rather read an actual book than a device. I prefer hymns to contemporary worship. I was mercilessly made fun of once for saying that a glass of iced tea “hit the spot.” So it probably comes as no surprise for me to tell you that social media. . . scares me sometimes.
iPhone with headphones listening to music

What Should Christians Make of Secular Music?

It is the first lesson we learn as Christians: we live in a fallen world that is full of sin. It is therefore no surprise that popular culture is full of books, music, and movies that contradict the Bible’s standards.