difficult seasons

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under difficult seasons. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: difficult seasons.


A woman walk under a bridge

Trusting God In The Season of Job-Hunting

I spent six months of my life as a couch potato. It was a lifestyle I initially enjoyed, having just resigned from a stressful job.
A woman sadly package her stuff into a box in office

How God Helped Me Transition Out of My Ideal Job

Five years ago, God helped me secure a new job within three weeks of being told of my redeployment. By God's grace, I'm still in that same job today. But the transition to the new job wasn't easy.
graphic image of someone sad

How to Beat That Languishing Feeling

When 2020 ticked over into 2021, we were hopeful that the new year would be a better one. And for awhile, it did look promising. But alas, the bubble’s popped and the recent news about the outbreak of new COVID strains, worsening cases, and heightened restrictions have made us feel like we’re right back at square one. What can we do to keep ourselves going? Here are some tips to help us beat that languishing feeling.

4 Weapons For Battling Anxiety in Difficult Seasons

Fresh waves of anxiety threatened to pull me under. Honestly? I felt like God had played me. I trusted Him when I left the business I co-founded. I trusted Him to order my steps towards purpose. And I trusted Him when I prayerfully entered that relationship.