Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under TOPICS. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: TOPICS.

A row of film picture is hanging on the rope

4 Ways We Can See God in Everyday Life

Being reminded of God’s presence moves us to turn our spiritual eyes heavenward, and to reflect on His steadfast love and faithfulness in our lives. So, how can we “better see” God in our everyday lives?
Woman covering ears

How to Quiet the Voices in Our Heads

“I should get up and do my laundry.” “I should get my steps above 6,000.” “I should unsubscribe from that streaming platform I am no longer using.”  “I should go to bed earlier. I should wake up earlier.” These are just some of the milder “shoulds” that pass through my head on any given day.
A woman is holding a bible but looking bored

It's Time to Take the Guilt Out of Your Bible Reading

You start off the new year with a plan to follow–to finish the whole Bible in one year. But by the time the third week of January rolls around, you’re three days behind, equivalent to 12 to 15 chapters to catch up on. The doubt about actually doing this creeps in. The guilt of not doing what you said you’d do piles up. 
Illustration of man praying

4 Things We Don't Need to Do When We Pray

Here are a few things we often think we should or shouldn’t be doing when we pray, but they actually matter less than we think.
A man walk under a flyover

When Doubt Led Me to Jesus

I was born in a non-Christian family that was devoutly following a different religion. When I was about to graduate from high school, questions started to form in my mind: “If I hadn't been born into this family, would I still have chosen to believe this?"
Man in darkness looking out at light

I Found Christ. Then Came the Darkest Season of My Life

It was like a scene in a movie. Picture the camera set across the street from a cafe, where two people walk out. They face each other briefly, then each turn back and start walking in the opposite direction. I remember the day vividly from that perspective, even though I was one of the two people walking away from each other.
A woman is waiting for the bus

The Secret to a Beautiful and Not Bitter Wait

We know waiting is a part of life, but it doesn’t stop us from getting a bit cross when things don’t happen soon enough. Why can’t God just snap His fingers and make the thing happen for us?
A group of teenagers walking

3 Things I'm Learning from Journeying with Younger Christians

I heard them as soon as the lift doors opened. The raucous chatter of teenage girls, occasionally punctuated by the tone-deaf squeals of a rubber chicken toy they had stumbled on in the church’s kindergarten and now took delight in playing with. 
A big giant is being indecisive on which button or way he should go for

5 Things to Remember When You're Faced With Decision Paralysis

There’s a queue behind me all the way out the door. People are frowning, shuffling on the spot, trying to peer around me. I know I’m keeping them waiting, but I just can’t decide.