God’s presence

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under God’s presence. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: God’s presence.


A row of film picture is hanging on the rope

4 Ways We Can See God in Everyday Life

Being reminded of God’s presence moves us to turn our spiritual eyes heavenward, and to reflect on His steadfast love and faithfulness in our lives. So, how can we “better see” God in our everyday lives?
Man in darkness looking out at light

I Found Christ. Then Came the Darkest Season of My Life

It was like a scene in a movie. Picture the camera set across the street from a cafe, where two people walk out. They face each other briefly, then each turn back and start walking in the opposite direction. I remember the day vividly from that perspective, even though I was one of the two people walking away from each other.
Silhouette of man looking up with courage overlaid with prison.

Learning Courage in the Face of Suffering

This ANZAC Day, I reflect on a story that’s woven into my own family’s history. Like all families, we too carry history of personal stories and experiences of those harrowing times.
Guy stressed out, sitting on the bench

Are You Struggling? God Sees You

Today I’m writing for those of you who identify with Thomas more than Peter. Who tend to uncover more questions than answers in your faith.
Image of a women sitting on the rocks by the lake

What It's Like to Wait on God

Some of the very least favourite parts of my life are the days of waiting. Which, I guess, doesn’t say that much. After all, so much of life is waiting for something.
A guy sit on the bench and rest

In Praise of Sabbath: On Letting Go

One summer, my family wrangled our carry-ons from Uganda onto a plane bound for six months stateside. I felt conflicted over this long break, as I tend to find my identity deeply in usefulness and purpose and work.
A woman is reading book on her bed

I Lost My Hearing, But I Still Heard God’s Grace and Love

The year I turned 24, I became virtually deaf. I was talking to my family one night when I realised that I could only pick out two or three words in a sentence. The doctors diagnosed me with sensorineural hearing loss.
Man sharing his stress and struggles with a therapist

How Can We Learn To Live With Stress?

After doing an ultrasound, the doctor told me that I had Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). I had to undergo a major lifestyle change. But even as I exercised more, cut back on fried foods, tried to get enough sleep, the hardest part was changing the way I handled stress.
Image of mary and martha

It’s not about having a Mary Martha Christmas

Christmas has crept up on us. And there’s just so jolly much to do. Here we are rushing from one task to another, and before we know it, we’re tired and flustered from it all.