
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Work. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Work.


A row of film picture is hanging on the rope

4 Ways We Can See God in Everyday Life

Being reminded of God’s presence moves us to turn our spiritual eyes heavenward, and to reflect on His steadfast love and faithfulness in our lives. So, how can we “better see” God in our everyday lives?
Man feeling meh at work.

3 Things to Get Right When Work Feels Meh

It’s wet and grey outside. You’re staring at your screen, the blinking cursor the only movement on the page for the last few minutes. You’ve got to do that thing you’ve been putting off for a while, but you’re not feeling inspired at all.
Working man trapped in calendar

Stuck in a Job You Don't Like?

Asking ourselves honest questions can help us understand and address our dissatisfaction in a God-honouring, God-pleasing way.
Image of woman working in bed with laptop

Managing an Unbearable Workload: When Resting Isn't Enough

You are going through an intense season, and the work never stops. Then, the weekend arrives, or you go on a holiday trip, and it’s amazing, but soon it’s Sunday night again and you start dreading what’s coming.
A hand is wiping the bathroom

My Career Came to a Standstill at 26

At 26, my life changed in ways that I wouldn’t have planned for myself. My boyfriend at the time received an offer for a position overseas. We decided to get married so we could move together.
Illustration of woman leaving office

Consider This Before You Quiet Quit

There’s been a lot of buzz about “quiet quitting”, which began with a series of TikTok videos talking about the woes of the hustle culture and how we ought to take back our lives.

4 Things to Consider When Thinking About Your Job

For some of us, our current job represents a gateway to a meaningful career. For others, it may be the very means to survival.  Whatever you may feel about your job now, know that God offers Himself to you. You need not go into it alone.
Illustration of 4 men working

4 Ways to Handle Pressures to Conform at Work

I was only 23 when I landed my dream job, working for a major commercial radio newsroom in Sydney. I’d only been in the job for a short time before I began to discover how difficult this might be as a Christian.
Woman looking out a car window

How To Rest Without Feeling Guilty

I grew up in a family where we were reminded to not “just sit there” but to keep our hands busy and help others out. This has made resting unsettling for me, as it seems to be the same as “doing nothing”, which doesn’t make sense when there’s always something to be done.