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Be alert. Resist the enemy. Stand firm in the faith. (Ref. 1 Peter 5:8-9)

Typography: 1 Peter 5:8-9

Remember a time when you felt like you're spiritually on top of the world? You feel God's presence, and you see clear evidence of Him working in your life.
A magnifying glass with a tree

Am I Really Growing in My Faith?

As Christians, spiritual growth is necessary and to be expected (Hebrews 5:13-6:1).
Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice—this is worship (Ref. Romans 12:1)

Typography: Romans 12:1

Worship isn't just about praising and singing songs to God
Don't receive God's grace in vain (Ref. 2 Corinthians 6:1-2)

Typography: 2 Corinthians 6:1-2

We can go through life unchanged even when we have encountered God's grace.
Say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid." (Ref. Hebrews 13:6)

Typography: Hebrews 13:6

Perhaps we feel like we're emotionally so far from this. We look in ourselves and we can't find a shred of confidence.
May He fill you with the knowledge of His will. (Ref. Colossians 1:9)

Typography: Colossians 1:9

When you don't know how to pray for God's will, here's Apostle Paul's prayer for you.
A car is driving on the road at late night

Does God Really Care About Me?

Trusting God is a lifelong process for us. And it’s not just trusting His plans will happen, but trusting that He actually cares about us, especially when we’re faced with frustrated hopes and disappointments. 
Lack wisdom? Ask God who gives generously to all. (Ref. James 1:5)

Typography: James 1:5

Has it ever occurred to us that we need wisdom to face trials?
A woman is holding a bunch of carnation flowers

A Different Wish This Mother’s Day

Advertisements will have us believe the only sort of mothers worth celebrating are the oh-so-cheerful mums who cater to all of our needs without expecting anything back. So when we compare advertisement mums with ours and their “failings”, we think we can’t celebrate them.